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Contact: James Ryder
Tel: (928) 203-0807

“Perhaps the last time I felt right with myself and the world was at the Woodstock Concert in 1969.”

One Man’s Journey to Rediscover the Hope and Passion He felt in the Sixties.

In THE WOODSTOCK BRIDGE: A Journey to Discover Your Spirit (Sacred Bear Press, $14.95), author Gregory Drambour introduces John, a man looking for answers:

When was the last time I really laughed? When had I enjoyed something the way I used to? Why had I given in, and why so easily?

John has returned to Woodstock, with many questions about why he lost the dreams he had in the sixties. But he finds no answers—only experienceists and other drop-outs. And like many from that generation he settles into a numbness and bitterness…until he comes face to face with a Native American warrior by the name Black Hawk Who Walks the Wind of the Sioux Nation.

Black Hawk explains to John that the answers to his questions will come from “a journey of spirit.” Each person’s journey is the same, but different. And as John learns, so does the reader; Black Hawk becomes a spiritual teacher guiding the reader to his or her deepest self.

Along the way, John begins to understand that in order to change, to find a way out of the place where he has been stuck for years, he has to let go of the fear his mind creates—the fear of not knowing, of not being in control, of opening his heart. Black Hawk teaches him to see feel his connection to nature, to appreciate and honor Mother Earth.

“Listen with spirit,” Black Hawk counsels. Stop thinking, and analyzing, and doing, and instead, quiet the mind and listen with your heart. Wisdom comes thru a feeling of love, joy, compassion, and understanding. This becomes John’s most difficult lesson—and the most important.

I stood perfectly still and looked around as the wind blew over me. I felt a part of each star, each tree, each granule of earth under me. I felt a simplicity I wanted never to go away. Every agonizing, suffering moment I had ever experienced was worth it to reach this place.

Black Hawk invites him on yet another journey—this time, to South Dakota. There John sees and feels the fear, prejudice, and hatred that today’s Native Americans often deal with; he meets another Native American warrior, Spotted Eagle, who joins Black Hawk in helping John “listen with spirit and see spirit in all things.” John is mesmerized by the ancient land and begins to quiet enough to hear its secrets.

Finally, John comes to know that the feeling of rightness he has been searching for, is inside him and was never lost. He has woken up the belief that the individual can still make a difference! For John, if he has faith and “walks the path of spirit, of love, of rightness inside, the way will be clear.” Spirit, John has learned, is love. To walk the path of spirit is to walk a path of love and hope—always hope!

This is John’s spiritual journey. It holds lessons for everyone who has a yearning to live from their heart!


About the author:
Gregory Drambour has been on spiritual journey since he got sober 21 years ago. That path started him on the road to many adventures and learning experiences. His interest in Native American culture had bloomed in the California desert sixteen years ago when he met his spirit brothers of the animal world. They led him to South Dakota, where he immediately felt at home. His experiences there, his growing awareness that it is not what you do but how you do it that brings joy to your life, led him to wanting to share his spiritual journey with others. THE WOODSTOCK BRIDGE is about the warrior’s spirit that lives inside of each of us; it is about crossing the bridge from one’s heart to one’s life.

Drambour was born in Bronxville, N.Y. He comes from a lineage of writers, artists, and inventors. He is a cancer survivor and has worked closely with Native American artists for many years. He has written eight scripts for movies and television. THE WOODSTOCK BRIDGE is his first book.

The Woodstock Bridge
By Gregory Drambour
Sacred Bear Press
ISBN: 097198251-1
Price: $14.95
Publication: October 2002

THE WOODSTOCK BRIDGE is available in bookstores throughout the U.S.; through Internet bookstores; or by calling 1-877-645-2327. Visit the web site:

Distribution: New Leaf, BookPeople, Baker & Taylor

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